Saturday 20 December 2014

So I went pink..

After not having my coloured in a fair few years I eventually made the decision to colour

I've been looking at pictures of lilac and pastel pink hair for ages and I eventually found the guts to do hairdresser Kelly nearly had a breakdown when I messaged her to tell her I actually want a change to my usual..."Just a trim please" she was pretty excited to do something really different to my long last. 

We are half way there with the hair colour we want but there's still a bit of work to with getting it 100%.

So for now I've inserted a couple of pictures of the colour as it is now and I'll do a more in depth one the next time it is coloured :)

If you follow me on Instagram you will have already seen these pictures but for those who don't...tadaaa!

I'll link Kelly's hairdressing page in my next blog post with my the final hair colour and insert better pictures :)

Hope you are all feeling festive and Happy Holidays! x

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Liebster Award

Howdy Howdy Howdy,

I've been nominated to take part in the Liebster Awards ( I will confess I got nominated ages ago and I've been a super bad person with catching up on everything and getting it done but here I am!!)

I was nominated by Laura Elizabeth check out her blog at
(P.S sorry Laura for taking so long!)

The Rules are:

 1) Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award 
2) Answer the 11 questions given to you from the blogger
3) Give 11 facts about yourself
4) Nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award (less than 200 followers)
5) Let the bloggers know you have nominated them
6) Give 11 questions to them to answer

My Questions from Laura Elizabeth are:
1. Who is your favourite singer? 
Ahhh, it's quite a struggle to pinpoint just one musician that I love however currently 'Coasts' are constantly on repeat!
2. Have you ever been abroad?
Yes, I lived in Australia for a while and that was awesome!
3. Do you like Harry Potter? If so what is your favourite film and why?
YES! Harry Potter is the don! I love the first one because I remember when it first came out and it was so magical, the last couple are a bit dark. I love all the magical stuff that goes on in the first one.
4. What colour socks are you wearing? If none, what colour are your toenails?
I'm actually feeling a little festive today and wearing polar bear christmas socks - it has to be done!
5. Plane or train?
6. What do you hope for in 2015?
I hope to continue with my studies and move away somewhere.
7. Are you proud of what you have achieved in 2014?
Yes totally. I changed jobs, reconnected with old friends, began my blog and started back up with studying once returning from Australia. 
8. What do you pack in your make up bag when you go away?
Hmmm, usually a BB Cream, mascara and lip balm if it's somewhere hot but if it's a city vacation usually a few lipsticks and different eyeshadows and of course my liquid eyeliner.
9. Have you ever been starstruck?
I remember when I was really young I met Billie Piper and I thought we were going to be best friends. Weird. 
10. What do you want for Christmas? 
There's nothing that I want in particular really, Dr Martens or a record player would be pretty cool though.
11. Do you have any pet peeves?
People that interrupt you when you are talking or bad table manners!!

11 Random Facts About Myself
1. I consider my pet dog a human.
2. I want to change my hair colour multiple times in 2015.
3. My favourite TV Series at the moment is American Horror Story. 
4. Candles are my favourite things in the world.
5. I used to compete in horse gymkhanas.
6. My favourite film at the moment is Quadrophenia.
7. I have never broken a bone.
8. When I was younger I used to really want to wear glasses.
9. I once wanted to be Avril Lavigne - vest top and tie...the whole shebang
10. I currently study Art & Design
11. I'm rubbish with my nails and always let them chip until my best friend Naomi yells at me.

I nominate: 
Anyone that reads this!!


My best friend and I recently went to Thekla in Bristol to watch Indiana live. The venue is a converted boat that has a bar inside with an area for live gigs to take place. It was a really good night (even if I literally decked it going up the stairs and fell over in front of a room full of people, never mind eh).

If you haven't heard of Indiana definitely check her out one of my personal favourite songs by her is 'Solo Dancing'.

Shelter Point were the start up act and I absolutely loved them as well so give them a listen as well!

Anywho, here's a few pictures from the evening.

Sunday 23 November 2014

London Bound

SOMETHING EXCITING HAS HAPPENED.....Christmas lights are eventually up!

I just had to go and grab a picture of Harrods - how beautiful does it look with those lights. I think I want to decorate my house like that. However, I do envisage it ending up in a complete disaster like on National Lampoons Christmas Vacation (note: if you haven't seen that film please watch it this holiday season it won't let you down).

It's so exciting that all of the shops have started putting out all of the christmas decorations and presents. It's all a bit over exciting for me as this time last year I was over in Australia and the festivities are slightly different whilst in the heat. So this year I feel like I want to get fully into the christmas spirit. 

London is so pretty this time of the year and it was a perfect excuse to go for a champagne lunch with my friend Jade at The Phene in Chelsea. It's a super cute pub that serves food that is.on.point.

(How cute is Jade's coat by the way?)

Saturday 1 November 2014

Happy Halloween

Hope you all had a lovely halloween and partied until you all looked like pumpkins.

I dressed up as a typical cat (This seems to be a regular occurrence at any fancy dress party for me - Halloween or not!) I wore a lace body and velvet leggings from Topshop teamed with some heeled chelsea boots.

Anyway, hope this halloween weekend has been fun for all of you AND after bonfire night I can officially start looking forward to CHRISTMAS!!! Okay, sorry, too soon.


Monday 20 October 2014

The Neighbourhood

So when The Neighbourhood (aka The NBHD) come to the UK are you really going to miss up an opportunity to see them live? No, I didn't think so.

This band are amazing and I could listen to every track by them all day long, intact yesterday whilst doing my project work I did do exactly that. I'll call it rehearsing for when they decide to let me feature on one of the tracks (Keep dreaming Vic).

Anyway, all go and have a listen I promise you'll love it! They have some new material coming out this year I believe as well so I can't wait for that!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Procrastination at it's finest - 40 Things I find myself doing whilst trying to study

We've all been there, that dreaded moment you know it's time, it's time to get that project (that was handed to you a few weeks ago) done. You sit there nervously staring at it, having a stare off with the pile of work that has been abandoned in the corner of your room. Eventually you give in and sit there ready to produce some of the best work you've ever done. 

But no, procrastination kicks in and anything seems far more exciting than work so I've compiled a list of my own procrastinating habits. 
  1. Anything but studying
  2. Hugging my laptop begging for mercy
  3. Go on some sort of expedition during the winter season with my dog
  4. Cleaning out my entire makeup collection
  5. Infact, cleaning out my room (you know those days when you have to dedicate an ENTIRE day to do it)
  6. Clean my makeup brushes
  7. Lay on the floor with my dog
  8. Talk to my dog
  9. Get ready with nowhere to actually go
  10. Stare at my books blankly
  11. Read a book that has absolutely nothing to do with what I actually need to read
  12. Find myself watching a backlog of 8 Out of 10 Cats (JIMMY!!)
  13. Nap
  14. Watch Netflix
  15. Eat my own weight in carbs
  16. Ring my bestfriend whinging
  17. Turn up at my bestfriends
  18. Drink wine
  19. SHOTS
  20. End up in a shop buying pointless things you find absolutely ‘necessary’ for your project
  21. Cry
  22. Miaow at my mum around the house
  23. Face plant the pillow
  24. Cocoon myself in a blanket
  26. Paint my nails
  27. End up on bloglovin, stalking other blogs
  28. Instagram
  29. Change my bed sheets (this is the worst chore, I know it’s bad when this happens)
  30. Sing to myself
  31. Walk down to the fridge 
  32. Open and shut it a few times until something appeals to you
  33. End up at a wildlife park
  34. Donate to charity (I ended up with an adopted polar bear)
  35. Cook yourself some 5* meal that you've never been able to produce before #chefvictoria
  36. Roll around aimlessly on the floor
  37. Practice yodelling
  38. Harass whoever is in close enough proximity 
  39. Find a hairbrush and sing into the mirror
  40. Replaying videos of kittens and dogs on YouTube

Let me know what any of you find yourself doing whilst attempting to study. It's always hilarious the lengths some people go to prevent themselves from doing that dreaded coursework.